Chrome History API problems Chrome History API problems google-chrome google-chrome

Chrome History API problems

short answer

Add a Cache-Control: no-store HTTP header for XHR responses.

long answer

I'm pretty sure this is a bug in Chrome. I found the exact same bug in my app, and it works fine in Firefox but breaks in Chrome. I think the issue is that Chrome caches the XHR response and serves it from the cache when you press the back button. My app uses Etags, but Chrome does not bother to check the Etag. It just uses the cached response, which is missing all the outer content. The best solution I've come up with so far is to add no-store to the cache control header for XHR responses.

You can see the behavior through Chrome's net-internals page. Type chrome://net-internals in the URL bar, open the Events tab and go through the steps to reproduce your bug. When you go to a non-ajax page and then press the back button, you'll see a URL_REQUEST entry for the URL of the page you're trying to go to, but Chrome just checks the cache and that's it. Contrast that with a normal request for that URL. The normal one will have a cache check, followed by an HTTP_TRANSACTION_SEND_REQUEST section, which is where Chrome makes the actual HTTP request.