Chrome Native Messaging Api not working on Linux Chrome Native Messaging Api not working on Linux google-chrome google-chrome

Chrome Native Messaging Api not working on Linux

Ok, so I dug into the Chrome sources for my version (33.0.1750.117) and figured out that the json file is never read (and confirmed my finding using inotifywatch). I think (judging from this file line 143ff and this file) that the home directory is never actually looked into when the manifest file is searched.

However I came across a command line switch which can be used to locate the manifest files: --native-messaging-hosts="". Even though this is no permanent solution it works for me, because I don't have root on the machine I'm developing on and can't write to /etc/opt/

I've found the same to be true on OSX with Chrome 33.0.1750.117.

You have to put it in /Library/Google/Chrome/NativeMessagingHosts/ and not in user's Library/Google/Chrome/NativeMessagingHosts/ folder.

(I'd comment but my reputation didn't allow it)