Chrome native messaging on windows Chrome native messaging on windows google-chrome google-chrome

Chrome native messaging on windows

I also struggled with this issue on Windows, but was able to get it work. Try the following:

Regarding the registry (mine on the HKLM, but HKCU should be OK) you should use double backslash. Here is my .reg file:

  1. Keep the name of the native process with lowercase letters and only 3 parts - meaning It sounds weird but this is how it is working for me...
  2. Put the exe and the manifest in the same folder, so that path will be "native-messaging-example-host.exe" - In this case I am sure because I tested it.

Here is my manifest for example:

{    "name": "chrome.native.handler",    "description": "BlaBla helper process",    "path": "chrome.native.handler.exe",    "type": "stdio",    "allowed_origins": [    "chrome-extension://eoknpfoeckmeidbmbfoklejkppcnlfdm/"    ]}

BTW, you are not handling the response right. You are supposed to send the message length in "native byte order" - what you are doing will not work for larger messages. Instead you can do something like:

cout.write((char*)&resSize, 4);cout.write(responseBuf, resSize);

Hope this helps