Chrome not loading Stylesheet Chrome not loading Stylesheet google-chrome google-chrome

Chrome not loading Stylesheet

Do you have HTTPS everywhere + Adblock installed? If so, I've found that clicking through google search results will often produce this behavior when the main site has no, or limited https support.

I notice the same behavior, with those extensions, when I search for and click through an XKCD comic, for example.

Temporarily disabling https everywhere, or re-entering the URL without https seems to fix it for me.

Maybe a caching problem on your side. Can you try "Shift+Ctrl+R"?

I tried this on OS X with the same Chrome version as you and everything is rendered correctly for the dark and light versions. It could be a caching problem for you. Hold down the shift key while you reload the page. This will force the browser to get all of the resources and ignore the cached versions.