Chrome not respecting video source inline media queries Chrome not respecting video source inline media queries google-chrome google-chrome

Chrome not respecting video source inline media queries

Unfortunally, Chrome is not supporting media queries for video html 5 tag. A work around for this is to use plain Javascript or Jquery. It is no pretty, but works even in chrome.

var video = $('#myvideo');var WindowWidth = $(window).width();if (WindowWidth < 1200) {    //It is a small screen    video.append("<source src='/img/homepage/640/splash.m4v' type='video/mp4' >");} else {    //It is a big screen or desktop    video.append("<source src='/img/homepage/1080/uimain-1080.mp4' type='video/mp4' >");}

<video class="desktop-video" autoplay playsinline preload="auto" muted loop width="100%">    <source src="${pdict.desktop_video}" type="video/mp4">    <source src="${pdict.desktop_video}" type="video/mov">    Sorry, your browser doesn't support embedded videos.</video><video class="mobile-video" autoplay playsinline preload="auto" muted loop width="100%">    <source src="${pdict.mobile_video}" type="video/mp4">    <source src="${pdict.mobile_video}" type="video/mov">    Sorry, your browser doesn't support embedded videos.</video>

Can be done in CSS like

.desktop-video {    display: grid;    @include media-breakpoint-down(lg) {        display: none;    }}.mobile-video {    display: none;    @include media-breakpoint-down(lg) {        display: grid;    }}

My implementation on Vanilla JS.

In the video tag, as the data-src attribute, specify the path to the default video. Inside the video tag, in the source tags, we specify the value of the two attributes data-src and data-mw.

data-src - is the path to the video file.

data-mw - is the maximum screen width at which this video should be shown.

This solution works automatically when the screen width changes. This is done using the resize() function.

<video id="intro-video" data-src="/path/default.mp4" poster="img/poster.png" controls>    <source data-src="/path/1600.mp4" data-mw="1600">    <source data-src="/path/900.mp4" data-mw="900">    <source data-src="/path/480.mp4" data-mw="480"></video>
class VideoResponser {    constructor(selector) {        const $video = document.querySelector(selector);        this.options = {             selector,             breakpoints: { default: { src: $video.getAttribute('data-src') } }         };        // get a list of video switching points and links to the videos themselves         $video.querySelectorAll('[data-src]').forEach(element => this.options.breakpoints[element.getAttribute('data-mw')] = { src: element.getAttribute('data-src') });        $video.innerHTML = ''; // we clean up so that there is nothing superfluous                 // run the handler and track the change in screen width        this.responseVideo(this.options);        this.resizer();    }    /** Function runs on resize  */    resizer() {        window.addEventListener("resize", () => this.responseVideo(this.options));    }    /**      * Change src value of video link to fit screen width      *      * @param {Object} options object with options      */    responseVideo(options) {        const {selector, breakpoints} = options; // get options        let $video = document.querySelector(selector);        const widthNow = $video.getAttribute('data-width-now') || null;        const maxBreakpoint = Math.max(Object.keys(breakpoints).filter(key => key >= document.body.clientWidth));        const nowBreakpoint = maxBreakpoint || 'default'; // choose either the maximum value, if not, then the default         if(widthNow && widthNow == nowBreakpoint) return; // check if the video needs to be changed         $video.setAttribute('data-width-now', nowBreakpoint);        $video.src = breakpoints[nowBreakpoint].src;    }}new VideoResponser("#intro-video");