Chrome not showing OPTIONS requests in Network tab Chrome not showing OPTIONS requests in Network tab google-chrome google-chrome

Chrome not showing OPTIONS requests in Network tab

You'll need to go to: chrome://flags/#out-of-blink-cors, disable the flag, and restart Chrome.

This is an expected behavior change according to:

I originally came across this via:

Chrome 81 does not seem to display anything even after changing the option and restarting on my computer.

As an alternative solution, I started to use Firefox and its Network tab for development.

enter image description here

As of 2021 in CHROME the OPTIONS request is visible in the NETWORK tab filter OTHER requests

To see it together with XHR just CTRL+click and pick the request filters you want to see.

UPDATE (April 17) Chrome Version 90.0.4430.72 has made the options requests hidden again :(