Chrome OS + VirtualBox Guest Additions Chrome OS + VirtualBox Guest Additions google-chrome google-chrome

Chrome OS + VirtualBox Guest Additions

So someone on the VirtualBox IRC channel irc:// told me that the guest additions won't work on Chrome OS.

After trying the suggestion from @sarnold, running mount -oremount,rw /, I was told

Unable to determine your Linux distribution

If you want to try remounting the filesystem as read-write, the command is:

mount -oremount,rw /

But there might be a good reason for / to be mounted read-only. I doubt the VirtualBox guest tools care where they are installed, so if you just unpack the archive using tar or ar or whatever is necessary, you can probably install them somewhere that is mounted read-write and configure them appropriately.

If you don't mind using dev mode, I was able to run a parrot os vm with qemu and kvm on a pixelbook. I used the change kernel flags script from crouton repo, then installed qemu and kvm packages normally for my debian 9 crouton chroot. Virt manager doesn't work, but I can make a hard drive image with CLI and boot up a vm with CLI and it all works, albeit it is a bit slow even with kvm. Probably cause even a pixelbook has low resources compared to a normal laptop.