Chrome setInterval crashes at 10000 ms Chrome setInterval crashes at 10000 ms google-chrome google-chrome

Chrome setInterval crashes at 10000 ms

You can avoid crashing of tab by making time and now variable as global instead of creating those variable again n again inside Update function.

  var uTime,uNow;  //Update function will use same variable to initialize time and now   updateTime: function () {     uNow =;     oO.milliseconds = uNow - oO.epoch;     uTime = oO.getTimeObject(oO.milliseconds);     oO.el.testClock.text('' + uTime.h + ':' + uTime.m + ':' + uTime.s + ':' + + '');  }

Fiddle Demo

I am not sure about the reason but i think GC is not able to deallocate those variable and same time it allocating new variable and that is causing crash.