Chrome solution for document.domain Chrome solution for document.domain google-chrome google-chrome

Chrome solution for document.domain

Document domain should be lowercase and the rules are like this:

// Actual domain is "" document.domain = ""; // this is valid // Actual domain is "" document.domain = ""; // this is invalid, "" is not a subdomain of "" // Actual domain is "" document.domain = "" // Ok document.domain = "" // Still ok document.domain = "" // Invalid, you can't change it back to a more specific domain. 

document.domain should work for iframes as long as you're on the same domain:


If you're trying to access the document of an iframe that's on a different domain than the parent frame, you'll get the security error you're seeing.

Note that subdomains are considered different domains too, so you'll run into cross domain issues: A question about cross-domain (subdomain) ajax request