CSS background image disappearing in Chrome CSS background image disappearing in Chrome google-chrome google-chrome

CSS background image disappearing in Chrome

I don't know if this is the same issue, but the root is probably the same: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=111218. Based on that report, I don't think there's a known fix yet.

I had the same problem and diagnosed it for hours, but it's not about your code, it's a memory related bug in latest chrome. In my experience it doesn't happen to small images, so a temporary solution would be to decrease the file size (to under 10kB or so).

I have a test file here, showing the difference between a big and a small background image.


We worked up a solution for this issue until Chromium/Chrome "fixes the glitch" (hi, Milton)...

My colleague, Andrew, posted our solution here:http://blog.andrewcantino.com/blog/2012/02/15/fixing-the-chrome-background-refresh-bug/

You can see the page in question at:http://www.mavenlink.com/tour

It sounds like this has worked for others as well, but it's ugly!