CSS: Disable Header & Footer From Print Preview Chrome CSS: Disable Header & Footer From Print Preview Chrome google-chrome google-chrome

CSS: Disable Header & Footer From Print Preview Chrome


@page{margin:0px auto;}

in your css script. This will most likely throw off your page layout when printing, so you'll probably want to add a #container div with the correct padding to make your page look good again. Only tested on Google Chrome.

. . I'm not sure how knowledgeable you are in development, but the CSS selectores must match some elements. The [page] "header" and [page] "footer", as in "[printed] page", not as in "[web] page", can't be targeted by CSS like that--especially not with arbitrarily chosen IDs, and ones that would probably collide with your own page IDs and that browser vendors would never accept to implement.

. . The suggestion of using "margin: 0 auto;" on a "@page" directive is actually correct (since the browser doesn't have enough margin for them to show, it will just hide them). The problem is that currently only Chrome supports it correctly. With other browsers you have no good options besides creating a PDF and printing it. You can create a self-printable PDF that will show the print dialog as soon as it loads up using JavaScript embedded on it, though, but I think it's the farthest you can go.

. . Good luck.