CSS3 color transition not working in Chrome CSS3 color transition not working in Chrome google-chrome google-chrome

CSS3 color transition not working in Chrome

@Nijikokun I can confirm the same thing. :visited links do not transition correctly in Chrome. Hooray. It seems like this is an issue that cropped up in version 16 and never got fixed. There are a few bug reports open on the Chromium site.


I tried to find a workaround (more details in my blog: http://kyuumeitai.posterous.com/the-case-of-the-chromes-transition-hover-bug)

It seems if you declare a:visited with color (color, background, border-color, etc) transparent it will work as a workaround. I haven't tested extensivelly yet, glad to receive feedback.

This is not a -non- working issue, what it is is the :visited link is not transitioning, so it may work for you if you have not clicked on it, but if you have, it will not.

I do not know a solution, I am still looking for one...