customize chrome developer tool javascript debugger keyboard shortcuts? customize chrome developer tool javascript debugger keyboard shortcuts? google-chrome google-chrome

customize chrome developer tool javascript debugger keyboard shortcuts?

I did this with Karabiner. I'm using a full size keyboard (F1-F19 keys) so I mapped them to F13 to F16. This way the layout of the keys matches the layout of the buttons in Chrome. Keymap file:

<?xml version="1.0"?><root>  <appdef>    <appname>CHROME</appname>    <equal></equal>  </appdef>  <item>    <name>CHROMEDEBUGGINGKEY</name>    <appendix>This maps the F13-F16 keys to Chrome debugging keys</appendix>    <identifier>private.swap_chrome_to_debug_settings</identifier>    <only>CHROME</only>    <!--<autogen>__KeyToKey__ KeyCode::SPACE, KeyCode::TAB</autogen>-->    <autogen>      __KeyToKey__      KeyCode::F13, KeyCode::F8    </autogen>    <autogen>      __KeyToKey__      KeyCode::F14, KeyCode::F10    </autogen>    <autogen>      __KeyToKey__      KeyCode::F15, KeyCode::SEMICOLON, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L    </autogen>    <autogen>      __KeyToKey__      KeyCode::F16, KeyCode::SEMICOLON, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, ModifierFlag::SHIFT_L,    </autogen>  </item></root>