Deep linking not working in chrome Deep linking not working in chrome google-chrome google-chrome

Deep linking not working in chrome

This is a known wontfix bug in Chrome 40+ (see the Chromium project ticket here for the full story).

Essentially, the Chrome team feels that if a user actually types something into the address bar, no redirect should ever happen. As you've discovered, this is counter to behavior in all other browsers.

Fortunately it's unlikely a user would actually type an intent:// URI by hand. If you wrap the URL inside a link on a webpage, or offer a link to another page and then issue a redirect of some kind (so that you can detect the user agent and not show a 'broken' intent:// link to users on other browsers), it should work correctly.

If you don't want to handle all these edge cases, you could also try a free service like (full disclosure: I'm on the team).