Desktop Notification not appearing in Chrome Desktop Notification not appearing in Chrome google-chrome google-chrome

Desktop Notification not appearing in Chrome

Had same issue recently. Solution for me was disabling "Enable native notifications" in chrome://flags . And the reason why I wasnt able to see notifications is because browser wanted to show native notification, and I disabled all windows notifications. Hope it will help someone in future :)

Okay, I'm writing just in case anyone finds it useful.

I encountered this problem as well and I tried different sites without success. However, @Don Reptile answer gave me a hint as to what may be wrong (I blocked native notifications).

I'm on Windows 10 and this was where I enabled native notifications from Chrome.

Enable Windows Native Notifications

Issue of not opening dialog box is http. Chrome desktop notification work only on https protocol.

I have faced this issue and I have spend many time to solved that. Finally I got solution using https.

Here I shared code so you can run on https and it will working fine.

// request permission on page loaddocument.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {  if (!Notification) {    alert('Desktop notifications not available in your browser. Try Chromium.');    return;  }  if (Notification.permission !== "granted")    Notification.requestPermission();});function notifyMe() {  if (Notification.permission !== "granted")    Notification.requestPermission();  else {    var notification = new Notification('Notification title', {      icon: '',      body: "Hey there! You've been notified!",    });    notification.onclick = function() {"");    };  }}notifyMe();

Call notifyMe(); to show notification