Developing a simple voice driven web app using web speech API Developing a simple voice driven web app using web speech API google-chrome google-chrome

Developing a simple voice driven web app using web speech API

You need to deploy the HTML project on the server. You can do that by deploying it on any localhost server.

Media related HTML files do not work properly unless deployed on a server.

The WebSpeechAPI only works for files treated via https:// or http:// NOT file:///

You need a webserver to which you have access to/where you store the files on.

When you have no webserver available you can use google sky as webserver/for hosting your index.html (name MUST be index.html) and all javascript and css stuff:

I may have a solution for you:

1. Go into google chrome settings
2. Click advanced settings
3. Click show advanced settings.
4. Under "privacy" click content settings
5. Go to the media section (near the bottom) and click "Allow all sites to use a plugin on my computer"

Really hope this helps!

If you extra help, check out this link for more information.