Differences in rendering mobile chrome and android native browser Differences in rendering mobile chrome and android native browser google-chrome google-chrome

Differences in rendering mobile chrome and android native browser

To prevent zoom you shoyld use:

<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1">

Hope it helps :)

Are you sure that the page is in fact zoomed in the Android browser? My observations are that a previous zoom is often kept active if you just reload the same page over and over, which can be misleading you into thinking that this is how the page will load for users. However, use of refresh/reload aside, the page will load fine when normally loaded. Because of that, I'd advise to make sure you navigate to a new page when it comes to check on zoom behavior reliably.

Otherwise, if you still have issues and your desktop site has a fixed-width, you can simply set the viewport to that:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=fixed-width,initial-scale=1">

Where fixed-width is your fixed desktop target width in pixels.

That will give you a full width and rescale accordingly to each mobile device's screen size.