Display current URL in a chrome extension Display current URL in a chrome extension google-chrome google-chrome

Display current URL in a chrome extension

Maybe this is what your looking for....

chrome.tabs.query({'active': true, 'windowId': chrome.windows.WINDOW_ID_CURRENT},   function(tabs){      alert(tabs[0].url);   });

And the tabs permission needs to be set in the manifest...


"permissions": [   "tabs"]

I had the same issue. I wrote this extension to display the current URL user is browsing now in the popup.


"permissions": [   "tabs"]


function getCurrentTabUrl(callback) {    var queryInfo = {    active: true,     currentWindow: true  };  chrome.tabs.query(queryInfo, function(tabs) {    var tab = tabs[0];     var url = tab.url;    callback(url);  });}function renderURL(statusText) {  document.getElementById('status').textContent = statusText;}document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {  getCurrentTabUrl(function(url) {    renderURL(url);   });});


Get the URL of currently selected tab for Chrome Extension This code is to get parts of URL, because in tabs[0].url we cannot get parts of URL like host, hostname, origin, port, etc...

chrome.tabs.query({ currentWindow: true, active: true }, function (tabs) {let link = document.createElement('a');link.href = tabs[0].url;})

Further using basic js to get its part: link.host = "password remember.web.app" You can use other like link.hostname, link.hash, link.host, link.href, link.origin, .link.pathname, link.protocol, link.search

Hope it solves your problem!