Does webgl work on chrome on a mac? Does webgl work on chrome on a mac? google-chrome google-chrome

Does webgl work on chrome on a mac?

Enable "Use hardware acceleration when available" in the Chrome settings.

I had the same problem on a mid-2012 Macbook Air. Here's how I fixed it.

  • Go to chrome://settings/
  • "Show advanced settings" (link at the bottom)
  • System (second-to-last at the bottom)
  • Enabled the checkbox for "Use hardware acceleration when available."
  • Restart Chrome (required for me)

Having the same issue today on a MB with OSX 1.7.5. I guess that there are many reasons why Webgl could be unsupported. Having your OS/browser updated does not mean your system (i.e. your graphic card) does support webgl. Try opening chrome://gpu/ in Chrome and read through the problems detected.

More on this here.

Time has passed and Chrome got to version 54 so I thought I could add an update (and group some of the answers around here):

  1. First of all, make sure that hardware acceleration is enabled in the advanced settings (as Paul mentioned).
  2. Check chrome://gpu to get an idea what the problem might be. Under Problems detected, you get quite some information that can point you in the right direction.
  3. Do not panic if you can't find the #Disable-WebGL flag anymore, because they got rid of it.
  4. If you find something like

    GPU process was unable to boot: All GPU features are blacklisted.
    Disabled Features: all

    under Problems detected and you are sure it used to work in earlier versions of chrome, you might consider to enable #ignore-gpu-blacklist under chrome://flags with extreme caution!