Emoji rendered in Chrome have different widths than in other browsers Emoji rendered in Chrome have different widths than in other browsers google-chrome google-chrome

Emoji rendered in Chrome have different widths than in other browsers

I had the same issue, and found out that it happened on non-retina screens only.

To fix it, we applied a margin through a media-query like this:

<span class="friends"><span class="emoji">👥</span> Friends</span><style>  @media  not screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),  not screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi) {    span.emoji {      margin-right: 5px;    }  }</style>

This is a pretty minimal media-query. You should probably use a more complete one like https://stackoverflow.com/a/31578187/1907212.

This is a Chrome bug (See detail here)

This is related to displaying emojis in Mac Chrome on a non-retina screen. My monitor had a non-retina screen (where the spacing / cursor position were info), but were absolutely fine on my Mac.

It's February, 2020, and this issue still very much exists (link to open Chrome bug). Chrome 88.0.4324.150 on MacOS X 10.15.7 on a 2019 16" MacBook Pro: dragging a browser window between the internal Retina monitor and an external ultrawide monitor changes the rendering of the emoji.