ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE to opening my localhost in Chrome Android ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE to opening my localhost in Chrome Android google-chrome google-chrome

ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE to opening my localhost in Chrome Android

your IP starts with 192.168 which means this is a private network.

Only devices on the private network can access it.

Your phone will need to be on the same network.

You can check this by checking the first 3 digits of your phone's IP - the first 3 digits must be the same - if they begin 192.168.1.NUMBER then its on the same network. If not then its on a different network and you need to get them on the same network.

If they are already on the same network then ensure that port 3000 is open on the firewall, both the router firewall AND the firewall running on the machine you are accessing.

if your port of the server is 3000and chick for your ip in cmd by this ...: ipconfig ip4 : 192.168.11 than add it in mobile and on the desktop way view example

on your mobile chrome

I had this problem using Chrome on my Ubuntu 18.04; I solved by installing a firewall manager (Firewall Configuration) and freeing the 8080 port. On your case would be port 3000 but the process is the same.