Error creating WebGL context in Chrome but not in Android Browser Error creating WebGL context in Chrome but not in Android Browser google-chrome google-chrome

Error creating WebGL context in Chrome but not in Android Browser

Chrome has a blacklist for some devices and won't let the render to work properly on such chipsets. should have added the gpu you're using in the question.By the way, I have an android device with stock browser version 4.1.2 an it works flawlessly.Forget chrome, my experience with webgl on it is really negative.I wouldn't recommend it both on mobile and desktop.Also, if your demos are working on stock browser, they will work everywhere else thus I think that it's better to develop with it.Up to today (07/14/2015), the situation isn't changed and even firefox is better.

EDIT : you can try to activate some flags in Chrome Dev for android to force WebGL , but if you happen to be on a Mali400 or a PowerVR SGX 540, you will not have any luck even with the flags activated.

Here is a callback for the case you can't render webgl context:

var supportsWebGL = ( function () {    try {        return !! window.WebGLRenderingContext && !! document.createElement( 'canvas' ).getContext( 'experimental-webgl' );    } catch( e ) {        return false;    }} )();if(supportsWebGL){    console.log("support");}else{    console.log("no support");}