event.keyCode returns the value of comma (188) for Turkish character "ö" event.keyCode returns the value of comma (188) for Turkish character "ö" google-chrome google-chrome

event.keyCode returns the value of comma (188) for Turkish character "ö"

If you want to get the ASCII code you have to listen to the keypress event and use event.charCode.

The keydown event does not provide the charCode since there is a little difference between these two event types:

In theory, the keydown and keyup events represent keys being pressed or released, while the keypress event represents a character being typed. The implementation of the theory is not same in all browsers.


You should use event.originalEvent.keyIdentifier method. "ö" and comma has different keyIdentifiers.

Here is a good answer for these kind of problems.I see two rules here:

  • to detect a character typed reliably, use keypress (with charCode)
  • to detect non-printable characters such as arrows, use keydown (with keyCode)