Export PageSpeed Insights (by Google) results Export PageSpeed Insights (by Google) results google-chrome google-chrome

Export PageSpeed Insights (by Google) results

If you open up and run Google PageSpeed Insights through the Audit tab in Chrome Developer Tools, there is a button in the left part of the panel that will allow you to download the report as a JSON file.

Google PageSpeed Insights Audit Report

I am not sure if this is what you are looking for, but I feel you can build the data you need using the JSON response

curl https://www.googleapis.com/pagespeedonline/v5/runPagespeed?url=http://www.google.com > response.json

If you don't have access to cli you can enter the same url with your website of interest in your browser and hit return key.

I lately started using Postman if you are trying to optimize your website performance I personally feel this would help because it does save the responses and the time of request.

Thank you it was helpful

From my understanding, Tom's answer is missing some context and depending on your use case, can give the wrong impression.

Chrome's performance throttling is RELATIVE to the machine running theaudit. So that means running an audit on a weaker machine is going togive an artificially lower score than what it may actually be on another machine.

PageSpeed Insights (PSI) runs a lighthouse audit on a simulated Moto 4.

What device and network conditions does Lighthouse use to simulate a page load?

Currently, Lighthouse simulates a page load on a mid-tier device (Moto G4) on a mobile network.

So if you run an audit through the Chrome tab on a 2018 Macbook Pro and your client runs it on a 2010 HP laptop, you will get vastly different results. So using PSI should give a more "objective" audit as it's using the same hardware for each test.

If you only ever use your development machine to run tests for yourself, then it may not matter as much. But if you are sharing and cross examining reports with a client or team (across different machines), then this is something to keep in mind.


Throttling is relative to your computer's capabilities. For example,the 2x slowdown option makes your CPU operate 2 times slower than itsusual ability. DevTools can't truly simulate the CPUs of mobiledevices, because the architecture of mobile devices is very differentfrom that of desktops and laptops.