@font-face implementation show status=cancelled in Chrome network tab @font-face implementation show status=cancelled in Chrome network tab google-chrome google-chrome @font-face implementation show status=cancelled in Chrome network tab

Look at chrome console tab! there may be a CORS error - adding below lines to your htaccess file

Header add Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"Header add Access-Control-Allow-Headers "origin, x-requested-with, content-type"

should help

In this case, the 'canceled' status is ususally 'masking' a 403 response which is related to the project's domain list which is used by our CDN to determine whether a page is allowed to use the web fonts.

If refreshing the page (eventually) fixes it, it's most likely that one or more needed domains have not been included in the project list. The 403 response is cached when a page on a such domain is loaded and requests the fonts and, if you're not explicitly clearing or disabling the cache, it is being used a few times on pages where the fonts would normally work before the browser re-validates the request.

We have a best practices FAQ for the project's domain list here: Best Practices for Project Domain List

For further assistance, please send an email to referencing this question as well as a link to a page where you're having difficulty.