Google Chrome Developer Toolkit is Slow Google Chrome Developer Toolkit is Slow google-chrome google-chrome

Google Chrome Developer Toolkit is Slow

I've had the same problem, tried the same solutions without luck, until I fired procmon and saw that Chrome was actually reading my entire Projects folder (which is several hundred thousand files worth).

There was a reference to that folder in the Workspace/Folders section in the dev tools Settings app. Removing the reference solved the problem.

This was solved by clearing my cache (temp files, cookies, etc) in Chrome. Not sure what the root cause was, but that fixed the problem.

I have had the same problem.

My Problem was, that i used browserify to create a large bundle (~92k lines) width SOURCEMAP. browserify app.js -d -o bundle.js.

I solved it by splitting my bundle.js.

I exported all node modules into a seperate file (modules.js) by adding --require [module name]:

browserify -r react -r lodash -r three > build/modules.js

and then create the bundle.js without the outsourced modules by adding --external [module name].

browserify -t babelify -x react -x lodash -x three src/app.js > build/bundle.js

(-t babelify, because i used react/JSX in my project.)

NOTE: You have to include module.js in your html before bundle.js.

My bundle.js shrinked from ~92000 to ~26000 lines ;-)

EDIT: To create a bundle without external modules (node_modules) you can also use --no-bundle-external instead of [-x NODE_MODULE_NAME]*.

EDIT #2: When you are using an module in your project that contains many submodules, -r|-x [MAIN_MODULE_NAME] won't require|exclude the submodules.

Example with react-bootstrap:

react-bootstrap contains many submodules, react-bootstrap/lib/[submodule].

browserify -r react-bootstrap > build/modules.js won't require for example the Button (react-bootstrap/lib/Button) module. So...

...if you are using

browserify --no-bundle-external src/app.js > build/bundle.js wont't be able to use Button in your app, because --no-bundle-external excludes all node modules, including submodules. So don't forget to require all necessary submodules to:

browserify -r react-bootstrap -r react-bootstrap/lib/Button > build/modules.js

NOTE: Additionally, to increase the performance you can use exorcist to put the sourcemap into a separate file. Install it with:

npm install --save-dev exorcist

and change your browserify command:

browserify --no-bundle-external src/app.js | exorcist build/ > build/bundle.js

Thanks to smhg for the hint with excorcist. And show his answer for more details.