Google Chrome Inspector on Remote Devices not working Google Chrome Inspector on Remote Devices not working google-chrome google-chrome

Google Chrome Inspector on Remote Devices not working

For Chrome 80 to work on the emulator is required to have an API > 26
This is required because the WebView version will be updated based on the emulator API and Chrome 80 removed support for HTML imports and (very) old versions of DevTools do not have the polyfill built in to prevent crashing. (link for open chromium bug)

API 26 has 58.0.3029 WebView version - works for older versions of Chrome < 80
API 28 has 69.0.3497.100 WebView version - works on Chrome 80

Are you using WebView.setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled(true);?I don't experience an error if I use this code.

Also you can

Would it be OK to use an older Chrome/Chromiun version instead ? ... do you know where to grab/build one guys ? - thnx!