Hijacking a variable with a userscript for Chrome Hijacking a variable with a userscript for Chrome google-chrome google-chrome

Hijacking a variable with a userscript for Chrome

In Content scripts (Chrome extensions), there's a strict separation between the page's global window object, and the content script's global object.

The final Content script's code:

// This function is going to be stringified, and injected in the pagevar code = function() {    // window is identical to the page's window, since this script is injected    Object.defineProperty(window, 'smilies', {        value: true    });    // Or simply: window.smilies = true;};var script = document.createElement('script');script.textContent = '(' + code + ')()';(document.head||document.documentElement).appendChild(script);script.parentNode.removeChild(script);