How can I change the visited links color in Chrome? How can I change the visited links color in Chrome? google-chrome google-chrome

How can I change the visited links color in Chrome?

Here's a solution that works for all platforms and for all versions of Chrome.

  1. Install the Stylist extension.
    EDIT: Stylish extension (that extension was no longer available, this alternative should work.)

  2. Click SETTINGS in Chrome


  4. Find the Stylist extension and click OPTIONS

  5. Click STYLES

  6. Click ADD NEW STYLE

  7. Where it says "Style Name", name the style

  8. Click the ALL SITE check box

  9. Where it says "Stylesheet Text", copy and paste the following:
    A:visited { color: red ! important }

  10. Click SAVE

  11. Find a page with visited link, refresh, and you'll see the new color.

You can find colors you like here, and you can also use a color code like rgb(255, 0, 0) in place of red.


Below worked for me, very good solution:

"If you want to DIY extension:

Create or Navigate to folder 'c:\Users[local user]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\UserData\Default\User StyleSheets\'

Create or edit 'Custom.css' within 'User StyleSheets':

A:visited, A:visited *{color:orchid !important}

note: this code can also be used in @Vic Jang's answer.

Create or edit 'manifest.json':

{ "name": "my_custom_css", "version": "1", "content_scripts": [{ "matches": [":///*"], "css": ["Custom.css"] }], "manifest_version": 2}

goto URL with chrome: 'chrome://extensions'

check the 'Developer mode' box

click on 'Load unpacked extension...'

Navigate to the 'User StyleSheets' folder which contains the 'Custom.css' & 'manifest.json'

check the 'Enabled' box next to the 'my_custom_css' extension you created

restart chrome"

As of version 33 of chrome browser, the stylesheets are not available anymore. So your solution on your Windows 7 pathway to custom.css is invalid.

Meanwhile, I have not been able to find a solution for this oversight by Google for those of us with visual issues.