How can I get the CSS Selector in Chrome? How can I get the CSS Selector in Chrome? google-chrome google-chrome

How can I get the CSS Selector in Chrome?

Chrome Dev Tools CSS Path

If Chrome Dev tools if you select the element in the source pane and right click, then you will see the "Copy CSS Path" option.

In newer versions of Chrome, this is (right-click) > Copy > Copy selector.
You can also get the XPath with (right-click) > Copy > Copy XPath

Although not an extension, I did find a bookmarklet called Selector Gadget that does exactly what I was looking for.

The workflow I currently follow to get CSS selectors from elements with the latest Chrome version (59) is as follows:

  1. Open Chrome Dev tools (cmd/ctrl + alt + j):

Step 1 - Opening Chrome Dev tools

  1. Click on the select element tool in page (cmd/ctrl + alt + c):

Step 2 - Clicking on the select element tool in page

  1. Click on the element you want to get the selector from in order to view it in the dev tools panel:

Step 3 - Selecting the element

  1. Right click on the dev tools element:

Step 4 - Right clicking on the element

  1. Click on Copy -> Copy selector:

Step 5 - Copy selector

Which gives me the following:

#question > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td.postcell > div > > blockquote > p