How can I perform an inspect element in Chrome on my Galaxy S3 Android device? How can I perform an inspect element in Chrome on my Galaxy S3 Android device? google-chrome google-chrome

How can I perform an inspect element in Chrome on my Galaxy S3 Android device?

You can now do this without the use of Android SDK.

In the latest version of chrome (I am working on 34.0.x):

  • Navigate to chrome://inspect/
  • Check Discover USB Devices
  • Plug in your phone via USB. A popup should spawn asking for permission to connect to your computer. Accept it.

There will now be an item on the chrome://inspect/ pages for your phone, and you can click inspect. Dev tools will spawn and voila!

Update: 8-20-2015

Please note the instructions have changed since this question was asked 2 yrs ago.

So on Newer versions of Android and Chrome for Android. You need to use this.

Original Answer:

I have the S3 and it works fine. I have found that a common mistake is not enabling USB Debugging in Chrome mobile. Not only do you have to enable USB debugging on the device itself under developer options but you have to go to the Chrome Browser on your phone and enable it in the settings there too.

Try this with the SDK

  1. Chrome for Mobile - Settings > Developer Tools > [x] Enable USB Web debugging
  2. Device - Settings > Developer options > [x] USB debugging
  3. Connect Device to Computer
  4. Enable port forwarding on your computer by doing the following command below

    C:\adb forward tcp:9222 localabstract:chrome_devtools_remote

Go to http://localhost:9222 in Chrome on your Computer


If you get command not found when trying to run ADB, make sure Platform-Tools is in your path or just use the whole path to your SDK and run it

C:\path-to-SDK\platform-tools\adb forward tcp:9222 localabstract:chrome_devtools_remote

If you get "device not found", then run adb kill-server and then try again.