How can I properly position a cursor on IOS11 Safari in popup forms? How can I properly position a cursor on IOS11 Safari in popup forms? google-chrome google-chrome

How can I properly position a cursor on IOS11 Safari in popup forms?

Try adding position: fixed to the body of the page.

Piggybacking off of ybentz's answer. If you use the bootstrap modal, you can add this to your main.js file:

 var savedScrollPosition; $(document).on('', '.modal', function() {     savedScrollPosition = $(window).scrollTop(); }); $(document).on('', '.modal', function() {     window.scrollTo(0, savedScrollPosition); });

And then this to your css because you'll already have the modal-open class being added anytime the modal pops:

body.modal-open {     position: fixed;     width: 100%;}

Thanks for the help ybentz!! I would've responded to your comment, but I don't have the reputation to do so yet.

Ignacios Answer solved the Problem for me.If i show an overlayer/modal i add the class fixed to the body.Also add to css this rule:

body.fixed{  position: fixed;}