How can I turn off /deep/ combinator deprecation warnings in Chrome's console? How can I turn off /deep/ combinator deprecation warnings in Chrome's console? google-chrome google-chrome

How can I turn off /deep/ combinator deprecation warnings in Chrome's console?

You may be seeing this error because you are using the class method of applying layouts. If you switch to using Custom CSS mixins then you don't get the error.

So just import:

<link rel="import" href="bower_components/iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout.html">

and not classes/iron-flex-layout.html (it appears to be the inclusion of this file that causes the warning)

Then use:

body {  @apply(--layout-vertical);   @apply(--layout-fullbleed);  }

in your styles instead of:

<body class="layout vertical fullbleed"> 

adding classes to your html elements.

It's a real shame as using classes is a much neater and intuitive way to apply layout styles.