How do I set a chromium command line flag in Electron? How do I set a chromium command line flag in Electron? google-chrome google-chrome

How do I set a chromium command line flag in Electron?

you can set by calling

const { app } = require('electron');app.commandLine.appendSwitch('enable-features', 'GuestViewCrossProcessFrames');app.on('ready', () => {// place your code.}

note: you need to call it before ready event emitted.

It is not clear to me why Electron does this though specific flag you specified is explicitly disabled in electron

So you can't enable it dynamically.

According to the docs, the proper way of calling appendSwitch is:

app.commandLine.appendSwitch(switch[, value])

As mentioned in OJ Kwon's answer, apparently enable-features is explicitly disabled by Electron. If that wasn't true, you would be able to set it with the following syntax:

app.commandLine.appendSwitch('enable-features', 'GuestViewCrossProcessFrames');

See Supported Chrome Command Line Switches for more examples.