How to copy cookies in Google Chrome? How to copy cookies in Google Chrome? google-chrome google-chrome

How to copy cookies in Google Chrome?

I think I have found something. I can press Ctrl+A and Drag & Drop the values in a TextBox and then copy it from there.

As pointed by @jmccure,

Ctrl+A, hold Shift and right click and copy.

Update: Chrome 58 added a support to edit cookies

Cross-browser Solution:

  1. Hit F12 or Right-click page and Inspect to open the Developer Tools
  2. Click the Application Tab (which used to be called Resources)
  3. Open Cookies on the left, select your site/domain
  4. Double-click cookie column Value
  5. CTRL/Command + C or Right-click and select Copy

An alternative approach to copy a long cookie value:

  1. Repeat the request with the Network tab open.
  2. Right-click the relevant request (in the list on the left-hand side).
  3. Choose Copy as cURL.
  4. Extract the cookie from the generated Cookie header option.

For example: curl 'http://...' -H 'Cookie: session=...' ...