how to create REAL global object in v8? how to create REAL global object in v8? google-chrome google-chrome

how to create REAL global object in v8?

I think that you need to call "alert" with "" instead of just "name".

runJSCode(context, (char*)" =33; alert(;");

"" means a property "name" of object "window", but just "name" means property name of objet "this" (that is in this case the object you get by calling "context->Global()" in C++ code). You set "window" as a property of the global object not as global object.

//Local<Object> obj( Object::New(isolate));//context->Global()->Set( String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "window"), obj );runJSCode(context, (char*)"window=this; =33; alert(name);");

====so easy -_-!