How to debug Silverlight against Google Chrome How to debug Silverlight against Google Chrome google-chrome google-chrome

How to debug Silverlight against Google Chrome

Have you tried attaching to Chrome manually? Tools > Attach to process?

Chrome isn't officially supported but there are hacks.

Here for example. Halo's comment may give you some help too.

You can have more than one browser running on your localhost.1) Hit F5 to run debug. Probably opens IE or whatever your default is. F5 your way through the breakpoints until it's loaded. Leave this IE open.2) Open your other browser, coping the localhost Url into the new browser and run it. New browser should hit the breakpoints.

This works with all browsers, and even emulators like BlackBerry emulators.

Attach to the process manually (Tools > Attach to process), but make sure to attach to the chrome process that lists its type as "Silverlight, ...". Its title should be blank.

If you see your application name in the title, it's because chrome has a separate process for the HTML form that your Silverlight app is in, and the html's title probably matches. Attaching to this process does not load the Silverlight assemblies.

I usually will start debugging the app in IE to make sure that the most recent changes are compiled and running, then launch chrome, clear its cache ('cause it likes to hang onto Silverlight data), paste in the url from IE, and then stop IE and attach to chrome. Extra steps, but worth not spending 3 hours to figure out you are looking at cached assemblies.