How to enable Chrome credit card autofill for http and localhost? How to enable Chrome credit card autofill for http and localhost? google-chrome google-chrome

How to enable Chrome credit card autofill for http and localhost?

One option is to enable https on your localhost.For this, here's a good ressource.

From the article:

  • Install mkcert
  • Then run $ mkcert -install
  • $ mkcert localhost to create a certificate for localhost. (It'll give you the paths for each created certificate)
  • Then you can use these certificates with your server to serve the content through https (example available on mkcert readme)

Depending on your use case it might differ a little bit.To get it up and running I advise you to look for a case-specific solution.

For example:

In both cases you might need to validate the certificate afterwards. This SO answer explains it well.

Let me know if you find/found a good solution.

If you're using a AMP solution (i.e.: MAMP, WAMPP XAMPP, Valet, etc) you may be able to enable https without much effort.

However, Chrome wouldn't display credit card autofill because the certificate is not valid or can't be validated.

In this case, you can access chrome://flags/#unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure in your navigation bar, and add your domain there.unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure

After finish, just click on the Relaunch button located at the end of this page.