How to enable Electron to use chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark How to enable Electron to use chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark google-chrome google-chrome

How to enable Electron to use chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark

The Electron docs specify a list of supported command line switches (some of which do come from Chromium). Unfortunately, --enable-force-dark is not on that list.

That's because it should be:

app.commandLine.appendSwitch('enable-features', 'WebContentsForceDark');

You can find it out by enabling it and going to chrome://version and looking at the command line.

However in this case you should use themeSource instead.

Edit: Actually I guess that isn't the same as forcing dark mode (not sure you should do that) but if you want to I think maybe you're meant to do this instead:

    new BrowserWindow({      webPreferences: {        enableBlinkFeatures: "WebContentsForceDark",      },      ...

I haven't tried it though, and it seems to be hella janky. I can't make it work through any method for CSSColorSchemeUARendering.