How to fire deviceready event in Chrome browser (trying to debug phonegap project) How to fire deviceready event in Chrome browser (trying to debug phonegap project) google-chrome google-chrome

How to fire deviceready event in Chrome browser (trying to debug phonegap project)

Add this code to your onLoad handler function:

    if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android|BlackBerry)/)) {        document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);    } else {        onDeviceReady();    }

Event "deviceready" is fired in cordova.js so I don't know a way to detect existence of this event in application code.

Ended up pulling out the StopGap code and having to introduce a tiny delay (have this code running in a separate script than page-specific code):

window.setTimeout(function() {    var e = document.createEvent('Events');     e.initEvent("deviceready", true, false);     document.dispatchEvent(e);}, 50);

For my mobile site and mobile App I'm using the following code with jQuery:

function init() { ... };if ("cordova" in window) {    $(document).on("deviceready", init);} else {    $(init);}