how to get around chrome mailto maxlength limit how to get around chrome mailto maxlength limit google-chrome google-chrome

how to get around chrome mailto maxlength limit

I have no problem with any sized mailto-links on a Firefox (Developer Edition 39.0a2, Windows XP), however Internet Explorer 8 and Chrome do not work with mailto-links over the mentioned size of around 2000 characters. So, I doubt it is a Windows specific problem.

this appears to be a microsoft windows issue. i have tried the following on and it works well with different browsers (safari, chrome 30 & 36, ...) on mac os x.

in windows the request will get truncated to around 2000 characters. this will happen regardless of which browser is being used. it seems windows has a size limit on system uri requests.

i have tried from html <a href="mailto:?body=... and javascript document.location = encodeURI('mailto:?body=' + text) with 100k characters in the message body.

i have put both examples in this FIDDLE