How to open a URL in chrome incognito mode How to open a URL in chrome incognito mode google-chrome google-chrome

How to open a URL in chrome incognito mode

You'll need to create a process with a path to Chrome's exe file, and use the argument --incognito.

The path to chrome in windows is typically:


Use the following code:

var url = "";using (var process = new Process()){    process.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\chrome.exe";    process.StartInfo.Arguments = url + " --incognito";    process.Start();}

An article explaining this:

The full chrome command-line switch directory:

I wrote this and it successfull:

Process.Start(@"chrome.exe", "--incognito");

The path to chrome.exe has changed, or at least i think there is a different between x32 and x64.C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe