How to run google chrome headless in docker? How to run google chrome headless in docker? google-chrome google-chrome

How to run google chrome headless in docker?

Just launch chrome with --no-sandbox that s resolves the problem

Using this image alpeware/chrome-headless-trunk worked for me in ubuntu!The command used in that container to launch headless chrome is this:

/usr/bin/google-chrome-unstable \--disable-gpu --headless --no-sandbox \--remote-debugging-address= \--remote-debugging-port=9222 --user-data-dir=/data

here's a short video of the container in actionchrome headless in action

I launched the container in Ubuntu with this command:

 docker run -it --rm -p= \  --name=chrome-headless \ -v /tmp/chromedata/:/data alpeware/chrome-headless-trunk

then used Chrome to connect to the debug port at localhost:9222

With some modifications you could probably get this running in Jenkins!


This article is exactly what I needed to run Karma tests with Headless Chrome inside docker:

Basically, the solution is to run Headless Chrome with the --no-sandbox flag.