How to solve different FPS in requestAnimationFrame on different browsers? How to solve different FPS in requestAnimationFrame on different browsers? google-chrome google-chrome

How to solve different FPS in requestAnimationFrame on different browsers?

The common thing to do is to create a deltaTime (dt) variable which is then be used as a parameter for every animation/update cycle.

Code is only for visualizing the problem/solution.

// ...timer: function(){    var now = new Date().getTime(); // get current time    this.controls.dt = now - this.controls.time; // calculate time since last call    this.controls.time = now; // update the current application time    this.controls.frame++; // also we have a new frame    return this.controls.dt ;}

for any call to the render function you then pass dt

// we call the update function with every request frameupdate: function(){    var dt = this.timer();    _.each(this.activeViews, function(item){ item.update(dt); });  // this is underscore.js syntax}

item.update(dt) looks like that

//...var x = this.position.get(x);x = x + (10*dt); // meaning: x increases 10 units every ms.this.position.x = x;

As far as I know there's no way to really fix this, other than making your code less resource intensive.

Chrome seems to be the fastest browser, but usually FF is not far behind, but IE is still slow. Depending on the rendering methods, canvas, svg or webGL, it's also very dependent on your local hardware as it uses the clientside for most things, and complicated webGL renderings need a powerful GPU to achieve good framerates.

There are ways to measure the framerate on the fly, and change your animations accordingly.
Here's a very simple example that measures framerate.

function step(timestamp) {    var time2 = new Date;    var fps   = 1000 / (time2 - time);    time = time2;	    document.getElementById('test').innerHTML = fps;    window.requestAnimationFrame(step);}var time = new Date(), i = 0;window.requestAnimationFrame(step);
<div id="test"></div>