How to stop Chrome from redirecting to HTTPS? How to stop Chrome from redirecting to HTTPS? google-chrome google-chrome

How to stop Chrome from redirecting to HTTPS?

Chrome v63 forces .dev domains to HTTPS. The Internet Engineering Task Force RFC2606 specified what top level domains should be used for local development, and .dev isn't on that list.

Google owns the .dev top level domain and automatically redirects all .dev domain names to an HTTPs version of the site via preloaded HSTS.

With .dev being an official generic top-level domain (gTLD), we're better changing our local development suffix from .dev to something else, even if there are other solutions (e.g. https with self-signed certificates). So you should use .test, .example, .invalid or .localhost as your local development TLDs instead.

I can't improve the answer of @benedikt, as it is correct. There are good temporary fixes:

  • typing "badidea" on the warning page, this might not work if you have SSL set up (hacked together) locally. It bypasses the warning, but my local SSL isn't setup correctly and shows another local site.
  • narayon also suggests a link to a chrome forum, which I haven't tried.

My workaround was to update all my ".dev" development TLDs to ".d3v"Still short enough to type quickly, descriptive, and probably future-proof.

I have found a quick work-around that worked for my needs and may help someone else.

I use Browser Sync when developing and I just set the proxy argument to "" and it will serve up correctly in Chrome.

Here is the command I am using:

browser-sync start --proxy "" --port "3000" --files "./**/*.*"