how to stop screen sharing using WebRTC? how to stop screen sharing using WebRTC? google-chrome google-chrome

how to stop screen sharing using WebRTC?

Command-line flag based screen sharing can be stopped using same MediaStream.stop or MediaStreamTracks.stop method however if you're using desktopCapture API ( demo ) then there is cancelChooseDesktopMedia which can be used like this:

function releaseCapturing() {    // getting desktop-media-id from local-storage    chrome.desktopCapture.cancelChooseDesktopMedia(parseInt(localStorage['desktop-media-request-id']));}function captureDesktop() {    var desktop_id = chrome.desktopCapture.chooseDesktopMedia(        ["screen", "window"], onAccessApproved);    // storing desktop-media-id in the local-storage    localStorage.setItem('desktop-media-request-id', desktop_id);}

For as far as i am aware the MediaStream.stop method is deprecated. If you want to stop a MediaStream you should stop and close it's tracks. Thwn doing this the "Chrome bar" you mention will disapear once all tracks bound to the shared screen are stopped. This can be achieved through the following code. "this.screenStream" is the MediaStream object of the shared screen.

    var tracks = this.screenStream.getTracks();    for( var i = 0 ; i < tracks.length ; i++ ) tracks[i].stop();

you can use stream.onended

stream.onended = () => {"ScreenShare has ended");};

or you can listen for ended event

stream.getVideoTracks()[0].addEventListener('ended', () => {  //perform your task here});