How to to initialize keyboard event with given char/keycode in a Chrome extension? How to to initialize keyboard event with given char/keycode in a Chrome extension? google-chrome google-chrome

How to to initialize keyboard event with given char/keycode in a Chrome extension?

Incase anyone has the issue I faced with triggering a keyup with a specific keycode. This is one way.

First off I tried @RobW's answer above with no luck. No Keycode passed, always undefined.

So then I looked into @disya2's answer, which did work.

So here's some code:-


"permissions": [    "debugger"  ],


chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ pressEnter: true });


chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message,sender,sendResponse){    if(message.pressEnter){        chrome.tabs.query({active: true}, function(tabs) {            chrome.debugger.attach({ tabId: tabs[0].id }, "1.0");            chrome.debugger.sendCommand({ tabId: tabs[0].id }, 'Input.dispatchKeyEvent', { type: 'keyUp', windowsVirtualKeyCode:13, nativeVirtualKeyCode : 13, macCharCode: 13  });            chrome.debugger.sendCommand({ tabId: tabs[0].id }, 'Input.dispatchKeyEvent', { type: 'keyDown', windowsVirtualKeyCode:13, nativeVirtualKeyCode : 13, macCharCode: 13  });            chrome.debugger.detach({ tabId: tabs[0].id });        });    }});

Because Chrome does not preserve custom properties when you initiate an event from a Content script to the page (and vice versa), inject a script in the page to take over this job. Here's a basic example which shows the idea. It is usable, although the key and keyCode properties are not correctly handled (those shouldn't be used anyway).

// Example: Say, you've got a reference to a DOM element...    var elem = document.body;// And you want to "type" "A"var charCode = 65;// Now, you want to generate a key event...triggerKeyEvent(elem, charCode);// triggerKeyEvent is implemented as follows:function triggerKeyEvent(element, charCode) {    // We cannot pass object references, so generate an unique selector    var attribute = 'robw_' +;    element.setAttribute(attribute, '');    var selector = element.tagName + '[' + attribute + ']';    var s = document.createElement('script');    s.textContent = '(' + function(charCode, attribute, selector) {        // Get reference to element...        var element = document.querySelector(selector);        element.removeAttribute(attribute);        // Create KeyboardEvent instance        var event = document.createEvent('KeyboardEvents');        event.initKeyboardEvent(            /* type         */ 'keypress',            /* bubbles      */ true,            /* cancelable   */ false,            /* view         */ window,            /* keyIdentifier*/ '',            /* keyLocation  */ 0,            /* ctrlKey      */ false,            /* altKey       */ false,            /* shiftKey     */ false,            /* metaKey      */ false,            /* altGraphKey  */ false        );        // Define custom values        // This part requires the script to be run in the page's context        var getterCode = {get: function() {return charCode}};        var getterChar = {get: function() {return String.fromCharCode(charCode)}};        Object.defineProperties(event, {            charCode: getterCode,            which: getterCode,            keyCode: getterCode, // Not fully correct            key: getterChar,     // Not fully correct            char: getterChar        });        element.dispatchEvent(event);    } + ')(' + charCode + ', "' + attribute + '", "' + selector + '")';    (document.head||document.documentElement).appendChild(s);    s.parentNode.removeChild(s);    // The script should have removed the attribute already.    // Remove the attribute in case the script fails to run.    s.removeAttribute(attribute);}

This is a simple example which triggers the keypress event for char "A". If you want to trigger more relevant key events, do not use triggerKeyEvent three times (because it has a slight overhead). Instead, modify the triggerKeyEvent function such that it fires all events (keydown, keypress, keyup and/or input) with the correct parameters.

If you need to be able to change altKey, shiftKey, etc., just modify the function.
Bottom line: The example I've shown is very basic and can be tweaked to suit your needs.

Read more

If you want to change the implementation to match the specification, read these sources:

If you want to know more about the concept of Script injection in a content script, see:

I found that chrome debugger protocol v1.1 is the definite answer to simulating key and mouse events from a Google Chrome extension. Part of the protocol is accessible through chrome.debugger API.