How to use @font-face on a Chrome Extension in a Content Script How to use @font-face on a Chrome Extension in a Content Script google-chrome google-chrome

How to use @font-face on a Chrome Extension in a Content Script

Here is how to get local path in css:

body {  background-image:url('chrome-extension://__MSG_@@extension_id__/background.png');}

More about it here.

This solution finally worked for me:

It injects a style node into the document of the content script.

And for Font Awesome, you only need the .woff src for Chrome.

Adding @font-face stylesheet rules to chrome extension

My code:

var fa = document.createElement('style');    fa.type = 'text/css';    fa.textContent = '@font-face { font-family: FontAwesome; src: url("'        + chrome.extension.getURL('lib/fa/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff?v=4.0.3')        + '"); }';document.head.appendChild(fa);

In your manifest:

"css":[    "lib/fa/css/font-awesome.min.css",    ...    ]"web_accessible_resources":[    "lib/fa/fonts/*",    ...    ]

Old question, but this I think is the best solution:

Firefox extension custom fonts

It applies equally for chrome extensions because rather than pointing to a font file, you're including the base64 encoded version of the font right in the CSS.