HTML Input cursor position issue in Chrome when value is empty HTML Input cursor position issue in Chrome when value is empty google-chrome google-chrome

HTML Input cursor position issue in Chrome when value is empty


Looks like this is a regression bug in the Chromium 38 engine. I can reproduce in Chrome 38.* and Opera 25.* (which uses Chromium 38).

Reported Bug/s:

As pointed out by @JackieChiles it appears to be a regression of this [closed as obselete] bug:

As suggested in the closed bug, I have logged a new one.

And have also referenced another reported bug which appears to highlight the same bug, yet fails to define the exact issue in a generic way.


As detailed in other answers above the workaround is to avoid using a pixel-based line-height attribute. For example swapping line-height:50px to line-height:1em or line-height:100% will yield more expected behaviour.

i suggest don't use line-height at all, it may not be the proper answer but its working for me (latest chrome)

Updated fiddle