HTML5 Notification not working in Mobile Chrome HTML5 Notification not working in Mobile Chrome google-chrome google-chrome

HTML5 Notification not working in Mobile Chrome

Try the following:

navigator.serviceWorker.register('sw.js');Notification.requestPermission(function(result) {  if (result === 'granted') {    navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(function(registration) {      registration.showNotification('Notification with ServiceWorker');    });  }});

That should work on Android both in Chrome and in Firefox (and on iOS in Safari, too).

(The sw.js file can just be a zero-byte file.)

One caveat is that you must run it from a secure origin (an https URL, not an http URL).


Running this code:

 if ('Notification' in window) {  Notification.requestPermission();}

Console in Chrome DevTools shows this error:

Uncaught TypeError: Failed to construct ‘Notification’: Illegal constructor. Use ServiceWorkerRegistration.showNotification() instead

A better approach might be:

function isNewNotificationSupported() {      if (!window.Notification || !Notification.requestPermission)          return false;      if (Notification.permission == 'granted')          throw new Error('You must only call this \*before\* calling Notification.requestPermission(), otherwise this feature detect would bug the user with an actual notification!');      try {          new Notification('');      } catch (e) {          if ( == 'TypeError')              return false;      }      return true;  }

Function Source: HTML5Rocks

If you already have a service worker registered, use this:

navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations().then(function(registrations) {  registrations[0].showNotification(title, options);});